1. Jesus Across the Border (Ages 18-35)
From the website: “JESUS aCROSS the Border acts as … a resource for individuals by providing opportunities for them to discover various Catholic young adult organizations and events and build faith based friendships.” Fri., November 16th
St. Anthony Parish
893 Central St., Lowell, MA
7:30pm Adoration/Praise & Worship/Confession
9:00pm Young Adult Mass. Pizza social and fellowship to follow
Sat. November 17th
Pilgrimage: Jesus aCross the Border
(Prayer, confession, mass, etc – see website)
National Shrine of Divine Mercy
Stockbridge, MA
For more information go to
2. Spirited Theology (all ages)
Spirited Theology
Shade Bar & Grill
The Radisson Hotel, Nashua, NH
Nov 13. Fellowship meal 6pm; program at 7pm.
Event: Ask a Padre night Q & A
For more information go to