The St. Patrick Faith Formation Commission (FFC) will provide an ongoing; Christ centered apprenticeship in the Roman Catholic life for all parishioners through the development of a program of total and life-long parish catechesis (faith formation). Our mission is carried out with the following focus groups:
Core Beliefs
• We believe the essential purpose of the St. Patrick Faith Formation Commission is to help St. Patrick parishioners meet Christ and follow the way of Christ.
• We believe that ongoing conversion is essential to growth in faith.
• We believe faith formation is an essential part of the Christian life for people of all ages.
• We believe the model for all catechesis is the baptismal catechumenate.
We believe the model for all catechesis is the baptismal catechumenate*
• We believe catechesis (faith formation) is the responsibility of all parishioners.
• We believe we must reach out and support the formation of parents and competent catechists.
FFC Vision
Inspired by the baptismal catechumenate, we will facilitate others to Christ as we:
A. Lead the parish in becoming a more hospitable and inclusive community.
1. We will market faith formation opportunities.
2. We will explore ways to become a more welcoming community, especially to those who are marginalized for any reason.
3. We will conduct periodical needs assessment to determine the needs of parishioners.
B. Encourage and facilitate the continuing conversion of all parishioners.
1. We will create/expand small faith sharing groups, especially for those in transition.
2. We will develop/promote adult formation opportunities.
3. We will encourage personal witness by all parishioners.
4. We will encourage pastoral outreach ministry by all parishioners.
C. Link catechesis for children and youth with catechesis for adults.
1. While everyone will be asked to make catechetical programs and experiences a high priority, catechetical leaders will seek ways to be more family friendly in scheduling programs.
2. We will provide resources to support and affirm family life as the center of faith
formation for children.
3. We will explore and promote intergenerational faith formation opportunities.
4. We will provide encouragement and resources to parents as they prepare their
children for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation. Eucharist and .
*The baptismal catechumenate is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a process of preparation through which adults are fully initiated into the Catholic Church.